2801 E. COMMERCIAL BLVD. Ft Lauderdale, FL 33308 |
Spay & NeuterCoral Ridge Animal Hospital - Ft Lauderdale, FL
Where Is There a Spay Neuter Vet Near Me?If you’ve asked yourself “Where can I get my pet spayed or neutered near me?” and you live in the Fort Lauderdale area, then look no further – you’ve come to the right place! Coral Ridge Animal Hospital provides safe and affordable spay and neuter services in Fort Lauderdale.
The SurgeryOur patients first receive a pre-op injection for pain control, and also receive pain medication to help with post-surgery pain. Your pet will have an IV catheter placed during the surgery, in case the need arises to provide emergency medication during the surgery. Our hospital uses the safest type of gas on the market, SEVO gas anesthesia. The stitches (or sutures) are placed well below the surface of the skin, so that they can’t be reached by pets, and they are fully absorbable, which means that you will not have to have a return visit for any suture removal.
When should you spay and neuter your pet?The traditional time to perform this surgery on dogs is about 6 to 9 months of age. If puppies are healthy, they can be neutered at about 8 weeks. Older dogs can be spayed and neutered as well, but there is a higher risk of complications post-surgery, and there may be problems with overweight dogs, or dogs that have any health issues. Kittens that have reached the age of 8 weeks can be spayed or neutered. It’s a good idea to sterilize your cat before they start spraying urine, or before they can become pregnant (about 5 months old). You can also spay your female cat while she is in heat.
How To Help Your Pet Both Pre-Surgery And Post-SurgeryCats should not be given anything to eat after midnight on the night before the surgery. After the surgery, you should give your pet the medication that has been prescribed for them. Make sure that your pet has a quiet place to recuperate, and that they stay inside. Keep them away from other pets. Try to stop your pet from jumping and running for about 2 weeks post surgery. Don’t let your pet lick the incision site. Don’t bathe your pet for about 10 days post surgery. Finally, check the incision daily to make sure it is healing properly. Has the time come to spay or neuter your pet? Give our Fort Lauderdale animal hospital a call to set up your appointment and a member of our staff will reach out to you to confirm the details. |